Legal Notes

Cookie Policy

We are constantly committed to protecting and respecting user privacy. This policy (“Cookie Policy”) explains how we process and protect any information personal data collected through the use of cookies when using this site. Continuing to browse on our website, you consent to the use of cookies to the extent provided herein Information. For any questions about the information or in case of disagreement with what is indicated by the itself, before using this site, we invite you to disable cookies using the instructions reported in the MANAGING COOKIE OPTIONS chapter or contact us via email at or on the telephone number +39 011-19214151. We inform you that this Information may be subject to updates over time in compliance with European and national regulations regarding this matter, we therefore invite you to check this page constantly in order to ensure that agree with any changes.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small data files sent by each website to the user's terminal (usually to the browser), where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the site upon visit next.. Cookies make it easier to store user preferences on the website and, by detecting how this uses the site itself, allow us to customize it as best as possible further improve its functionality and general usability. A cookie cannot recall no other data from the terminal's hard disk or transmit computer viruses or acquire addresses e-mail.

Types of cookies

Session Cookies and Persistent Cookies.
Session cookies with a duration corresponding to the browsing session may be used on the site single, which expire when the browser session is closed, or we can use cookies persistent with a longer duration, even beyond the closure of the browser session, but always for a specific one Time period.

For what purposes do we use Cookies?

Cookies owned by us
- ASP.NET_SessionId : Technical, strictly necessary, session cookie; expires when the browser is closed
- BlackbirdsCookie: Technical cookie, strictly necessary, activated when the user accepts the information on cookies; it is valid for 365 days
- User: Technical cookie, aimed at improving the usability of the site, is activated when the user enters their data before downloading a document for the first time; it is valid for 365 days

Third Party Cookies
The website may allow Third Party cookies to be set in services therein present. These cookies are not under our control. For more information on how the Third Party uses cookies, we recommend visiting the website of the Third Party. More information regarding Third Party cookies used on the website, with the description of the purposes pursued, are reported in the following paragraphs.

Types of Cookies and purposes of use

GOOGLE ANALYTICS: This site uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “Cookies”, which are text documents stored on your computer, to help site to analyze how it is used by users. The information generated by the cookie regarding the your use of the site will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers located in the United States. This site has enabled IP address obfuscation, so that address will be truncated in member states of the European Union or in other states that have signed up to economic agreements of the Union. Only in exceptional cases the entire IP address will first be transmitted to a Google server in the United States and then truncated. Google will use this information, on behalf of the owner of this site, for the purpose of evaluating yours use of the site itself, drawing up reports on site activity and offering them to those who work on the site, providing them with further services relating to the activity of the site and the use of the Internet.
More information: click QUI

FUNCTIONAL COOKIES: Cookie name: "BlackbirdsCookie", to remember users who have read the information relating to the use of cookies. Cookie name: "user", to remember users who have already filled out the information relating to downloads.

LEADINFO: We use products from Leadinfo BV ( ) for marketing and optimization purposes. These products collect and process your personal data and use it to create profiles I use it under a pseudonym. These usage profiles are completely anonymous where possible and appropriate. We and Leadinfo use cookies and/or beacons (also known as tracking pixels) in this website. We transfer the data we collect about you, including personal data, to Leadinfo collects them directly. Leadinfo is authorized to use the information you leave by visiting the site in order to create anonymous usage profiles. The data obtained will not be used for personally identify the site visitor without the express authorization of the party involved, and they will not be combined with the personal data of the same. Any registered IP address is anonymized immediately deleting the last block of numbers. Permission to collect and store data in future can be revoked at any time.

Manage cookie options

You can refuse, disable cookies from your browser and delete all cookies that are currently there saved on your computer by changing the settings of your web browser. Please note that the modification of the cookie settings on your browsers could prevent you from being able to fully use them website functionality. Select the browser you are using below for information on how change your cookie settings.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox


If you have further questions about the protection of your personal data or how we use cookies on our site, Before using this site, we invite you to contact our customer service via email at the following address address or by telephone at +39 011-19214151.



Regulation for the processing of personal data

dear user,
Blackbirds Infotech S.r.l. guarantees the necessary protection and confidentiality of personal data as presented in the following information.

In this information, in line with what is described in EU Regulation 679/2016, as also applied in Italy following Legislative Decree no. 101 of 10/08/2018 (hereinafter Decree”), we describe to you the types of personal data in our protection and the purposes for which they are collected, stored, processed and communicated to third parties. Based on the Decree Art.2-sexies Comma 2, Blackbirds Infotech S.r.l. undertakes to draft the following information in a clear and simple, concise and exhaustive manner, easily accessible and understandable.

Any report of non-compliance with existing legislation or improvements, the interested party can send an email to the address, a specific assistance ticket will be opened and assigned to a consultant within 2 hours of reporting the change request . The response times will be so short for us because the PROTECTION OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA PRESENT IN OUR COMPANY IS AN ORGANIZATIONAL PRIORITY FOR US.

Data Controller

The Data Controller is Blackbirds Infotech S.r.l. with headquarters in Piazza Rebaudengo 7D / 10155 Turin tel 011 19214151.
You can send requests regarding the protection of your personal data by writing to
The personal data of customers and suppliers are those indicated in the contract, in its role or in other documents with Blackbirds Infotech S.r.l., and can be integrated with those relating to relationship events.
In no case will the company resell your personal data to third parties, nor use them for undeclared purposes and in the event that they are communicated to third-party companies (data processors), these companies and professionals are necessarily respectful of the GDPR Regulation and the contracts which regulate common activities, signed with Blackbirds Infotech S.r.l., provide for compliance with the obligations regarding the protection of personal data.

Data collected, Consent and Purpose

- Dpersonal data such as (by way of example) name, physical address, province or municipality of residence, telephone number, email address(es), etc.

- Data voluntarily provided by the interested party Within the website it is possible to fill in forms, through which contact, assistance or download of information material (brochures, factsheets) are requested.

The consent requested from the interested party for the protection of personal data will always be sought by the company Blackbirds Infotech S.r.l. in an informed, specific, free, unequivocal way (Art.4 GDPR).

In this case, upon explicit acceptance (Opt-in consent) on the digital form, you will be asked to enter personal data for internal profiling purposes in our CRM software, which will be performed manually by sales managers assigned to your Information Request.

Explicit consent will be asked again for further marketing activities, such as participation in mass email campaigns sending information about our products and services (mailing list).

Blackbirds Infotech S.r.l. is aware of and implements data processing processes, through the use of telephone calls and paper mail for the purposes of sending advertising or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial communication, only for of anyone who has not exercised the right of opposition, by registering the number of which he or she holds and other personal data in a public register of oppositions. (Art 130 Paragraph 3). In the event that Blackbirds Infotech S.r.l. uses, for the purpose of direct sales of its products or services, the email coordinates provided by the interested party in the context of the sale of a product or service, makes use of what is reported in the Art. 130 Paragraph 3-bis of the Decree, or may not require the consent of the interested party, provided that the services are similar to those of the object of sale and always if the interested party, adequately informed, does not refuse such use, initially or in opportunity for subsequent communications. The interested party, at the time of collection and at the time of sending any communication made for the purposes of which he is informed of the possibility of objecting to the processing at any time, easily and free of charge. Furthermore, Blackbirds Infotech S.r.l. guarantees the presentation of the identification of the call line and to provide the user with suitable information, in particular on the possibility and methods of registration in the register to oppose future contacts.

As reported in the Decree Art.2-septies Paragraph 5, Blackbirds Infotech S.r.l. will adopt adequate guarantee measures for personal data, including security measures, including encryption techniques, minimization measures, access management and "strong" password policies for users of the company information system, presence of firewalls and antivirus systems updated every now, always updated operating systems as well as any other measures to guarantee the rights of the interested parties.

Furthermore, Blackbirds Infotech S.r.l. implements backups of encrypted personal data, updated within 24 hours. In any case and as required by Regulation (EU) 2016/679, in the event of a Data Breach, Blackbirds Infotech S.r.l. will communicate the event to the Italian Authority within 72 days of the incident and to the interested party, accompanying the information with all the measures implemented to reduce the risk of damage for those interested in the Data Breach.

Blackbirds Infotech S.r.l. will be liable for the damage caused by the processing if it has not correctly fulfilled the obligations established in the GDPR, including those of third-party companies responsible for the processing, or if it has acted in a manner different or contrary to the legitimate instructions of the data controller.

The company does not require the interested party to provide so-called "sensitive" data, that is, in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR art. 9, personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, as well as genetic data, biometric data intended to uniquely identify a natural person, data relating to health or the person's sex life or sexual orientation.

As reported in Article 9 Paragraph 1.c of Legislative Decree no. 101 of 08/10/2018, in cases of receipt of CVs spontaneously transmitted by the interested parties for the purpose of establishing an employment relationship, the consent regarding the data personal data present in the curricula is not due.

In the context of the domestic employment relationship of teleworking and agile working, the employer, as reported in the notes to Article 9 of Legislative Decree no. 101 of 10/08/2018, Blackbirds Infotech S.r.l. will guarantee the worker respect for his personality and moral freedom. The domestic worker will be required to maintain the necessary confidentiality for everything relating to family life.

Transfer of personal data

Iyour data will not be transferred to non-European countries considered not to respect the protection of personal data and which do not have specific agreements with the European Community in this regard.

Data storage

IThe data processing will take place in full compliance with the principles of confidentiality, correctness, necessity, relevance, lawfulness and transparency imposed by the Regulation for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and, in any case, no later than 5 years. from their collection for the purposes of the Service or, in the case of purchase of Services/Products, for the time necessary for the execution of the contractual conditions.

User rights

- Right to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal data concerning you, even if not yet registered, and their communication is in an intelligible form.

- Right to obtain indication:
I. Of the origin of the personal data;
II. Of the purposes and methods of processing;
III. Of the logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;
IV. The identity of the owner and manager;
V. Of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of it as managers or agents.

- Right to obtain:
I. Updating, rectification or, if interested, integration of data;
II. Electronic communication of personal data present in our CRM system
III. The cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed.

- Right to object, in whole or in part:
I. For legitimate reasons to the processing of personal data, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;
II. To the processing of personal data for the purposes of sending advertising or direct marketing material or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.